The Bavella Needles

If you leave the camp site ahead towards Bavella, you enter the Corsican regional park and the GR20 hikingroute isn’t far.

With their crimson porphyry, the Bavella Needles, punta di u pargulu, punta di a Vacca, punta di l’Ariettu reveal magnificent panoramic views. Walkers of all ages and abilities start from there.
Possibility of rock climbing, as well as easy walks like the “Trou de la Bombe”.

L’Alta Rocca

After the summit of Bavella you will enter the Alta Rocca, the Land of the Lords, with typical Corsican villages
like Sainte Lucie de Tallano or Zonza and the forest of l’Ospédale overlooking the gulf of Porto Vecchio. 

Porto Vecchio

As you descend to the sea you enter Port Vecchio, a tourism centre during the summer.
In August the salt marshes are harvested.
Other attractions include its film festival “cinémaffiches”, and beautiful beaches such as Palombaggia. 

La Côte des Nacres (Solenzara)

Returning to Solenzara along the coast road various beaches and secluded creeks can be seen and enjoyed.
The Solenzara diving club will allow you to discover the local marine life..